Mission & Vision

The Mission

  • To promote quality education in all the streams with a view to establish research units.
  • To provide all amenities for the students, faculty members and staff by establishing both residential and non-residential institution.
  • To create the opportunities for research and surveys on technical subjects.
  • To create the opportunities to the students and faculty members to enhance their skills to interact with industry and globalize the opportunities by
    arranging guest lectures, seminars, conferences, symposia and workshops and thus enable them to mingle and exchange views with intelligentsia and elite of the society.
  • To provide and extend facilities like libraries, book clubs all over the country.

The vission

  • We at this Institution constantly strive to provide an excellent academic environment for the benefit of students and faculty so that they will acquire a technological competence synonymous with human dignity and values.
  • We are dedicated to a continuous process of quality surveillance to enable upgrading our Academic performance and Managerial practices through infrastructural and technological facilities. This commitment, we believe, will enable us to provide updated knowledge-inputs and practical support to our students in order to built their confidence level high.
  • Our commitment is to maintain here standards of discipline and decorum, of decency and dignity and character building are equaled by few and surpassed by none in contemporary educational systems.

The Campus

We are fully dedicated and geared up to the cause of preparing and producing high quality teachers in our pursuit for schools, to the service of nation and society at large. We are to prepare well equipped, technically sound and methodologically efficient teachers for teaching in secondary and higher secondary stages of schools, implementing internship programme under the guidance of their college Supervisors and co-operative school teachers.

We are to offer an all round training i.e. mental, physical, cultural, social, moral and spiritual, offering various kinds of extended co-curricular activities throughout the session. We are to provide opportunity for gaining experience with the community.

We are promised to expose the student teachers to effective teaching through different methods and techniques. We are to experience the student teachers with the modern educational technologies and application of the same towards the quality improvement of teaching-learning process as a whole.


  • Abdulla Bidyabharti B.Ed College
  • Vill: Abdulla ,PO-Pindrui,, PS-Pingla, Paschim Medinipur,