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PROF. SABANA SULTANA “Education is the manifestation of Divine perfection already existing in man.” -Swami Vivekananda Teachers change lives. If you are reading this message, you have already decided to become one, and we commend you on your decision. We know you have a choice of institutions, so thank you for considering SAHAJPATH which provides a holistic platform for aspiring teachers to LEARN TO TEACH AND TEACH TO LEARN. The art of teaching involves creating a thirst for knowledge, a passion for excellence, and a desire to reach for the sky among our children and youth. This art must certainly translate into action much like in the case of the Dronacharya-Arjun relationship.

You will be moulding young minds through dedication, affection, discovering talent and exploring passion among students who will look up to you as surrogate parents. Academics are important but not all children will get high grades in the courses prescribed at the school level. Some will be more suited to a career in art, music, dance, drama, handiwork or cooking. It is the discovery of such talent that will eventually produce a Tagore, a Jasraj, a Ramanujam. A great teacher will learn to make such discovery, and Abdulla Bidyabharati B.Ed College will strive to develop such teachers. May the aspiring teachers find their vocation and satisfaction in the beautiful ambience that Abdulla Bidyabharati B.Ed College provides to aid the thirst for knowledge and how to impart it to each new generation.

Teaching is not a craft but a calling, a professional where devotions constitutes the hallmark. Sincerity of performance & earnestness of endeavor are the two wings that will raise aloft the teachers to the towers of success.Thus, our main aim is to prepare the teachers to be complete, having qualities of head and heart. The training by which the expression of mind is brought under control & bears fruits. Abdulla Bidyabharati B.Ed College today stands as a symbol of native strength & quality. We make the students learn to apply their own intellect through the best qualified and experienced faculty from the academics with a competent & devoted faculty. We are sure to achieve our goal the goal of excellence.


  • Abdulla Bidyabharti B.Ed College
  • Vill: Abdulla ,PO-Pindrui,, PS-Pingla, Paschim Medinipur,